About HelloSign
HelloSign is an electronic documents website. The company was founded in 2011 by Joseph Walla and Neal O’Mara. Joseph Walla is the current Chief Executive Officer of HelloSign, while Neal O’Mara is the CTO. The Chief Operating Officer is Whitney Bouck, who joined the company in 2016. HelloSign is used by a lot of popular companies, including StackExchange, General Assembly, Lyft, Samsung, Twitter, Intuit Workforce, and Instacart. The HelloSign headquarters are located in San Francisco, CA. HelloSign is a Dropbox company.
HelloSign has several products, including HelloSign, HelloSign API, HelloWorks, and HelloFax. HelloSign allows you to send and receive documents for eSignatures. HelloSign works with a lot of apps, including Gmail, Google Drive, Google Docs, G Suite, Salesforce, and Dropbox. You’ll be able to get signatures within minutes and the signed document will go directly to your inbox. It is between $0-40 per month.
HelloSign API allows you to embed the document within your website so that others can sign it. HelloSign API is available for $124-561 per month. HelloWorks is made for mobile, allowing you to complete PDF forms quickly and easily. You are able to drag and drop the settings of each form. You can send to multiple people for signatures, as well as monitor sent forms and quickly download the complete documents all from within the portal. HelloWorks is available for $299-399 per month. HelloFax allows you to send faxes online versus using the traditional fax machine. HelloFax is available for only $0-39.99 per month.
You are free to cancel at any time. We have included some step-by-step cancellation information on this page to assist you with cancelling your monthly HelloSign membership. Please continue reading for more information.