RepublicanPeopleMeet is an online dating website for men and women who consider their political party, Republican. The website is owned by People Media, which is a company that was founded in 2002. People Media is a technology company that owns various other dating websites. People Media is owned by InterActive Corp, and is the sister website for Match and OkCupid. People Media’s corporate headquarters are located in Dallas, TX. The Chief Executive Officer is Joshua Meyers. RepublicanPeopleMeet is considered a niche website because it caters to people with similar interests.
In order to join the website, you must be at least 18 years of age. Currently, the website is only available to people in the United States. Creating a profile is easy. Your profile will include information about yourself, including your name, age, and location. You can also edit your profile to include a brief bio. Your bio can detail more about yourself and what you are searching on the website. You can add photos and videos to your profile. Once you are done with editing your profile, you can browse and search the website. You will be able to view other people’s profiles and send them messages if you are interested in them.
When you sign up, you will automatically be enrolled in the free membership. You can upgrade your account. Upgrade options start at $13.99 per month. The premium memberships come in 3, 6, or 12-month plans. With a premium membership, you will be able to unlock more features. You can easily cancel your RepublicanPeopleMeet membership. To cancel your membership, simply follow the cancellation instructions that are included on this page.