US Legal Forms is a website that provides legal documents. The company was founded in 1996. The headquarters are located in Flowood, MS. Since 1999, US Legal Forms has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau. The company has an A+ rating on the Better Business Bureau. The President of the company is Frank D. Edens. The Manager of the company is Hilda DeMartini. There have been over 3 million satisfied customers. From 2006-2018, US Legal Forms was recognized as the Best Legal Forms Company by TopTen Reviews. They were awarded in various categories, including Forms, Features, Customer Service, and Ease of Use. The US Legal Forms only help customers within the United States. Some sister websites include USLF Subscriptions, USLegal, FormsPass, PDFfiller, SignNow, and Sell Documents Online. The US Legal Forms website has been seen in Forbes, CBS News, Associated Press, LA Times, USA Today, and The Washington Post.
US Legal Forms provides forms for personal use and business use. They offer various types of real estate forms, including home sales, deeds, closing, construction, contractor, and many more types of forms. If you need family law documents, US Legal Form offers paperwork for a divorce, separation, premarital agreements, name change, adoption, guardian, child support, paternity, visitation, and many more. In addition, US Legal Forms offers business forms, legal forms, estate planning, landlord-tenant forms, Power of Attorney, affidavits, as well as state-specific legal forms.
US Legal Forms is available on a monthly subscription basis or one-time pricing is available for individual documents. All files will be downloadable in Word and RTF format. If you would like to cancel your account on US Legal Forms, simply follow the cancellation instructions that are included on this page.